Magic Light Microtronics Developer Workshop


Magic Light Microtronics Developer Workshop

June 5, 2019

Vienna, Austria

The Developer Workshop powered by Innovation World Cup® partner Microtronics.

Where: IoT Forum CE at Tech Gate Vienna

When: June 5, 14.00

How to develop an embedded IoT solution using rapidM2M. You will learn how to develop an IoT solution that controls an LED using information from different sensors (temperature, humidity, accelerometer etc.), the whole process from sensor data collection to the web application.

Facilitator: Josef Posch, Project Manager, Microtronics

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Additionally, after the workshop, you will have the chance to interact and discuss with Microtronics’ Partner Manager Peter Dollfuss, who will be speaking at the conference together with other tech leaders and innovators at 4:00 pm in the IOT Talks & at 5:20 pm in the IOT Panel Discussion. Find further details here!

Want more?  If you are an IoT entrepreneur and you want to take your solution to the next level with free development kits, prizes worth over $500,000 and speaking opportunities at international events enter the IOT/WT 11th Innovation World Cup® the world leading competition in the area of IoT! Participation is free of charge. (Learn more here)