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Teddy The Guardian by ID Guardian ltd

Teddy the Guardian is a plush teddy bear with built-in medical sensors tracking child’s vitals through smart paws and wirelessly sending recorded data to mobile or web application where it is visualized and managed. The product integrates medical sensors disguised and strategically placed in a plush toy that serves to remotely send information to a parent or pediatrician about child’s heart rate, temperature and oxygen saturation levels.
The big idea evolves around redefinition of pediatrics by taking advantage of creativity and what exponential technologies have to offer and turning the necessity of visiting doctor’s office into ”Disneyland meets hospital” experience. Emotional stress and unwillingness to encounter unfamiliar and extremely non-child friendly medical devices in an environment they are not comfortable are the feelings significantly visible with 80% of children who experience certain level of stress when they enter hospitals. The problem occurs when HR or body temperature increase as a result of above defined situations, which leads to skewed medical data and potentially unreliable picture of the child current health condition. As the first ones on the market we have introduced a product that combines new exponential technologies lying behind medical devices with children’s favorite plush toy.